Sunday, 5 June 2016

Lesson 40 - Go 走

Learn Chinese Lesson 40 - Go 走

走 means go, walk. Chinese characters that contains 走 is somewhat related to walking and movement. For example:-

走 - Zǒu -  walk
趋 - Qū - hasten
趣 - Qù - interest
赴 - Fù - attend
超 - Chāo - surpass
趟 - Tàng - measurement counter for trip
起 - Qǐ - start
趁 - Chèn - take advantage of
越 - Yuè - exceed
赶 - Gǎn - rush

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Lesson 39 - Step 彳

Learn Chinese Lesson 39 - Step 

 means step. Chinese characters that contains  is somewhat related to stepping. For example:-

彻 - Chè -  thorough
徐 - Xú - slowly
徒 - Tú - on foot
循 - Xún - follow
征 - Zhēng - testify
後 (后) - Hòu - behind
復 (复) - Fù - answer
德 - Dé - virtues
徑 (径) - Jìng - path
御 - Yù - imperial

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Lesson 38 - "Walk" 辵 (辶)

Learn Chinese Lesson 38 - "Walk" 辵 (辶)

辵 means "walking through a passage, from one point to another". You can't use 辵 alone. Chinese characters that contains 辵 brings similar meaning to "walking through a passage, from one point to another". 辶 looks like the front of a boat, which means cruising somewhere. Example of words:-

过 - Guò -  cross
道 - Dào - road
达 - Dá - reach
追 - Zhuī - chase
逃 - Táo - escape
途 - Tú - way
遇 - Yù - encounter
迎 - Yíng - welcome
进 - Jìn - advance
迟 - Chí - late
迷 - Mí - lost
远 - Yuǎn - far
近 - Jìn - near

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Lesson 37 - Work 工

Learn Chinese Lesson 37 - Work 工

工 means work. Characters combined with 工 have similar meanings to work. For examples:-

工 - Gōng - work
巧 - Qiǎo -  skillful
巫 - Wū - shaman (a type of work in ancient times! )
巨 - Jù - gigantic

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Lesson 36 - To say 曰

Learn Chinese Lesson 36 - To say 曰

曰 means to say. However, characters combined with 曰 doesn't bring any meaning with "to say". Below are examples of words that contains 曰

曰 - Yuē - to say
曲 - Qū -  song, verse
書 (书) - Shū - book
曹 - Cáo - a class
替 - Tì - substitute
最 - Zuì - most
曳 - Yè - drag
會 (会) - Huì - meeting

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Lesson 35 - Speech 言

Learn Chinese Lesson 35 - Speech 言

言 means speech. If we want to place 言 on the left of the characters it will become  言 ().This radical is combined mostly on the left of the character. Please note characters combined has meaning related to speech, talking. For example:-

言 - Yán - speech
訪 (访) - Fǎng -  inquire
詩 (诗) - Shī - poetry
誇 (夸) - Kuā - boast
請 (请) - Qǐng - request
謊 (谎)- Huǎng - lie
講 (讲) - Jiǎng - talk
謝 (谢) - Xiè - thank
談 (谈) - Tán - discuss
謠 (谣) - Yáo - rumour

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Lesson 34 - Food 食

Learn Chinese Lesson 34- Food 食

食 means food. If we want to place 食 on the left of the characters it will become  飠(饣).This radical is combined mostly on the left of the character. Please note characters combined has meaning related to food. For example:-

食 - Shí - food
飽 (饱) - Bǎo -  full (in terms of  eating)
飯 (饭) - Fàn - rice
飲 (饮) - Yǐn - drink
餅 (饼) - Bǐng - biscuit
餓 (饿)- È - hungry
飢 (饥) - Jī - famine
館 (馆) - Guǎn - restaurant
饅 (馒) - Mán - steamed bread
餞 (饯) - Jiàn - farewell party
饒 (饶) - Ráo - plentiful

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Lesson 33 - Yawn 欠

Learn Chinese Lesson 33- Yawn 欠

欠 means yawn. This radical is combined on the right of the character. Please note characters combined has meaning related to mouth, as yawn is related to mouth. For example:-

歔 - Xū - snort
欷 - Xī -  sob
欢 - Huān - jolly
欺 - Qī - bully
欣 - Xīn - happy
次- Cì - order
欲 - Yù - desire
款 - Kuǎn - fund
歇 - Xiē - rest
歉 - Qiàn - apologise
歌 - Gē - song

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Lesson 32 - Pottery 缶

Learn Chinese Lesson 32 - Pottery 缶

缶 means pottery. This radical is combined on the left of the character. Characters combined has slight meaning pottery as well. For example:-

缶 - Fǒu - pottery
缸 - Gāng -  jar
罐 - Guàn - can
缺 - Quē - lack

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Lesson 31 - See 見 (见)

Learn Chinese Lesson 31- See 見 (见)

見 (见) means see. This radical is combined on the right of the character. Please note characters combined has meaning related to see. Example of words:-

見 (见) - Jiàn - see
視 (视) - Shì -  regard
覥 (觍) - Tiǎn - timid
親 (亲) - Qīn - dear
覬 (觊) - Jì - covet
覯 (觏) - Gòu - meet unexpectedly
觀 (观) - Guān - observe
覺 (觉) - Jué - feel
覽 (览) - Lǎn - view

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Lesson 30 - 'Scoop' 斗

Learn Chinese Lesson 30 - 'Scoop' 斗

斗 means a measurement counter of grain. This radical is combined on the right of the character. Characters combined has slight meaning related to grain as well. Example of words:-

斗 - Dòu - fight, object shaped like a cup
料 - Liào -  material
斜 - Xié - slanting
斟 - Zhēn - pour

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Lesson 29 - Dish 皿

Learn Chinese Lesson 29 - Dish 皿

皿 means dish. This radical is mainly use at the bottom when combine with other characters. Please note that most of the meanings are somewhat related to dish and plates, similar like the character drawing itself. For example:-

皿 - Mǐn - dish
盆 - Pén -  basin
盈 - Yíng - be full of
盏 - Zhǎn - cup
盒 - Hé - box
盛 - Shèng - prosperous
盡 - Jǐn - the utmost
盘 - Pán - tray
监 - Jiān - prison
盥 - Guàn - wash

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Lesson 28 - Arrow 矢

Learn Chinese Lesson 28 - Arrow 矢

矢 means arrow. There's not much connection for words that is related to arrow though. Example of words:-

矢 - Shǐ - arrow
知 - Zhī -  know
矩 - Jǔ - rule
短 - Duǎn - short in someting (use on object)
矮 - Ǎi - short, low in position (person is short)

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Lesson 27 - Laddle 匕

Learn Chinese Lesson 27 - Laddle 匕

匕 means laddle. There's not much connection for words that is related to laddle though. Example of words:-

匕 - Bǐ - laddle
化 - Huà -  dissolve
北 - Běi - south
匙 - Shi - spoon

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Lesson 26 - Car 車 (车)

Learn Chinese Lesson 26 - Car 車 (车)

車 (车) means car. When combine with other words, the meaning are somewhat related with car or transport. For example:-

車 (车) - Chē -  car
轟 (轰) - Hōng - crash
輕 (轻) - Qīng - light
軍 (军) - Jūn - military
輛 (辆) - Liàng - measurement counter for vehicle
輪 (轮) - Lún - wheel
轆 (辘) - Lù - windlass
輳 (辏) - Còu - hub of the wheel
輾 (辗) - Zhǎn - rolling
轉 (转) - Zhuǎn - turn
載 (载)  - Zài - to transport

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Friday, 3 June 2016

Lesson 25 - Wide 广

Learn Chinese Lesson 25 - Wide 广

广 means wide. This character also looks like the side of the roof. Thus when combine with other words, the meaning are somewhat related to building. For example:-

广 - Guǎng -  wide
底 - Dǐ- bottom
店 - Diàn - shop
座 - Zuò - seat
廊 - Láng - porch
废 - Fèi - cancel, worthless
庭 - Tíng - courtyard

Some words are simplified, which the dot is removed
厅 - Tīng - hall
厕 - Cè - toilet

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Thursday, 2 June 2016

Lesson 24 - Plow 耒

Learn Chinese Lesson 24 - Plow 耒

The Chinese character for plow is written as 耒. Please note that most of the meanings below are related to the work of ploughing related as well. For example:-

耒- Lěi - plow 
耗- Hào - waste time
耘 - Yún - weeding
耙 - Bà - rake
耕- Gēng - cultivate

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Lesson 23 - Boat 舟

Learn Chinese Lesson 23 - Boat 舟

The Chinese character for boat is written as 舟. Please note that most of the meanings below are related to boat related as well. There's alot of characters that start with 舟. For example:-

舟- Zhōu - boat
航- Háng - boat, large vessel
舰 - Jiàn - warship
舵 - Duò - rudder
船 - Chuán - ship
艘 - Sōu - measurement word for ships
艇 - Tǐng - craft
舷 - Xián - side of the ship
般 - Bān - sort, class

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Lesson 22 - Lance 戈

Learn Chinese Lesson 22 - Lance 戈

The Chinese character for lance is written as 戈. It's more often to use this radical on the right of the words instead of left. Please note that most of the meanings are somewhat related to lance, war as well. For example:-

戈 - Gē - lance
战 - Zhàn - battle
戒 - Jiè - guard against, give up
成 - Chéng - to finish
戡 - Kān - suppress
戚 - Qī - sorrow
截 - Jié - cut, intercept
戍 - Shù - guard
戏 - Xì - play
戴 - Dài - wear
戳 - Chuō - poke
戮 - Lù - kill

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Lesson 21 - Bow 弓

Learn Chinese Lesson 21 - Bow 弓

The Chinese character for bow is written as 弓. Please note that most of the meanings below are related to bow, archery as well. There's a lot of characters that starts with 弓. For example:-

弓 - Gōng - bow
引 - Yǐn - draw, lure
弘 - Hóng - great
弭 - Mǐ - stop
弦 - Xián - string
弹 - Dàn - flick, bounce
张 - Zhāng - stretch
强 - Qiáng - strong
弥 - Mí - full

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Lesson 20 - 'Wine' 酉

Learn Chinese Lesson 20 - Wine 酉

酉 is widely known associated with wine but if it's use alone, it means a wine vessel. This character brings more meaning if we combine it with other words. Please note that most of the meanings are somewhat related to wine as well. For example:-

酉 - Yǒu - wine vessel
酒 - Jiǔ - alcohol
酸 - Suān - sour
酬 - Chóu - pledge/entertain with wine
醋 - Cù - vinegar
酣 - Hān - intoxicated
配 - Pèi - match
醉 - Zuì- drunk
酷 - Kù - extremely
醜 - Chǒu - ugly (note that there's a ghost character there, means drunken ghost? )
醒 - Xǐng - sober
酥 - Sū - crispy

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Lesson 19 - Knife 刀

Learn Chinese Lesson 19 - Knife 刀

The Chinese character for knife is written as 刀. It's more often to use this radical on the right of the words instead of left. If we want to place  on the right of the characters it will become 刂. There's a lot of characters that starts with . Please note that most of the meanings are somewhat related to knife, metal as well. For example:-

刀 - Dāo - knife
刚 - Gāng - hard / strong
割 - Gē - cut, sever
利 - Lì - sharp
划 - Huà - draw
刻 - Kè - carve
剑 - Jiàn - sword
判 - Pàn - judge, sentence
别 - Bié - leave
刺 - Cì - thorn

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