Friday, 29 April 2016

Lesson 1 - Female 女

This is a website that can enable you to memorize Chinese characters easily. Once you can memorize ~5000 Chinese characters, it's safe to say that you can read a Chinese book easily, and declare yourself proficient in Chinese!

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Learn Chinese Lesson 1 - Female 女

The chinese character for female is written as 女. Please note that most of the meaning below are related to 女/female as well. With 女 , it can form alot of other words such as

娘 - Niáng - mother
媽 - Mā - mom 
姑 - Gū - aunty (father's sister)
姨 - Yí -  aunty (mother's sister)
奴 - Nú - slave
姐姐 - Jiějiě - elder sister
妹妹 - Mèimei - younger sister
妓 - Jì - prostitute
她 - Tā - her
媕 - Ān - undecided
姦 - Jiān - evil  <----- hmmm, triple 女 means evil :)
嬾 - Lǎn - lazy
妊 - Rèn - pregnant
娃 - Wá - baby/doll
姓 - Xìng - surname

Video lesson available now! 

*** Use our apps for interactive learning. It will help you memorize words faster and easier, 500% more effective. ***

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