Wednesday 25 May 2016

Lesson 14 - Door 門 / 门

Learn Chinese Lesson 14 - Door 門 / 门

The Chinese character for towel is 門 (traditional) / 门 (simplified). There's alot of characters that contains 门. Please note that most of the meanings are somewhat related to door. For example:-

门- Mén -  door
闪 - Shǎn - flash
阖 - Hé - whole family
闯 - Chuǎng - force to
闭 - Bì - shut
闲 - Xián - idle
開 / 开 - Kāi -  open
關 / 关 - Guān - close
闺 - Guī - boudoir
阑 - Lán - railing
闳 - Hóng - large
阁 - Gé - pavilion
阙 - Quē - gate tower of imperial palace
阐 - Chǎn - explain

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