Friday, 20 May 2016

Lesson 9 :- Dog 犬

Learn Chinese Lesson 9 - Dog 

The Chinese character for dog is written as . If we want to place  on the left of the characters it will become . There's alot of characters that starts with . Please note that most of the meanings are somewhat related to dog as well. For example:-

犬 - Quǎn - dog
狙 - Jū - spy
猫 - māo - cat
狗 - gǒu - dog (more commonly use)
猪 - zhū - pig
猴- hóu - monkey
猎-  Liè -  hunting
狼 - Láng - wolf
狐 - Hú - fox
犯 - Fàn - commit
狈 - Bèi - in a tight corner
狂 - Kuáng - mad
犹 - Yóu - just as / still
狞 - Níng - fierce looking
独 - Dú - alone
狠- Hěn - ruthless

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